Nyimansata Ceesay

My name is Nyimasata Ceesay. I am 29 years old from Baddibu Kerewan from the North Bank Region.  I attended Kerewan Upper Basic school before proceeding to Gambia Senior Secondary, and then to Gambia Technical Training Institute (GTTI) Where I pursued Diploma in Community development in 2012. I briefly served as a community development worker at ADWAC (Agency for Development of Women and Children) in kerewan from 2013-2015. Then served as a CVA Community Verification Agent for NaNA from 2017 to 201. From 2018 to 2020 I served as the National Female Representative at the National Youth council (NYC).  I’m currently a three year student at The University of The Gambia (UTG), major in political science and minor in Development studies.

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