St George’s Upper Basic School , Gambia

Themes of this Outreach are: 1. To introduce the MMN field guild and its objectives 2. To expose the mitigating propagandas on social media and provide a safe decisions process […]

Diaspora School Stammtisch _LLR

Soma Upper and Senior School , Gambia

The Diaspora Mentor Seedy Saidykhan, together with the #MMN Local Coordinator of the Lower River Region Serrey Sanneh, will host a Stammtisch at the Soma Upper and Senior School introducing […]

88.8FM Diaspora Mentor_Radio Program_LRR

Soma community radio on 88.8FM , Gambia

Seedy Saidykhan, a Gambian living in German who was trained during the #MMN Diaspora ToT in August 2021 will talk on Soma community radio 88.8FM, together with the #MMN Lower […]

Fishing Community & Migration_WCR

Tanji , Gambia

Migrant Media Network (#MMN) west coast region conducted community outreach activity in the fishing Community of Tanji West Coast Region of the Gambia on the 15th November 2021.The participants include […]