#MMN_Community Outreach

Cape Coast , Ghana

    Sabina Abuga(#MMN local coordinator )  On the 30th August 2021 together with an irregular returned (Mr. Ekow Mensah) was invited to the church Liberation Lords of sheep Ministry […]

#MMN_ Outreach at Mount Zion Methodist Church, Yamoransa

Yamoransa in the Mfantsema District Assembly, Ghana , Ghana

  On the 5th September 2021, Sabina Abuga( Local coordinator for Central Region) visited the Mount Zion Methodist Church of Yamoransa to share with the congregation (potential migrants) issues pertaining […]

Smart migration & Human Trafficking_URR

Sutukoba @wulli East Distrist , Gambia

Sensitize with the #MMN Field Guild Kit and #smart migration game in order to provide clear information on human trafficking, the lies involved and fake promises. The target group are […]

Community Outreach

Volta Region , Ghana

On the 7th of September 2021, our #MMN Local Coordinator JAMES OBOADE Volta & Greater Accra Region - Ghana held a community outreach at mafi kumasi discussing with participants on […]

Smart migration & Human Trafficking_URR

Jawo Kunda @wulli East district.

The idea is to create awareness on how to travel smartly and the danger of irregular migration and to engage parents and returnees on the misinformation provided by human traffickers. […]