#MMN Outreach to Ghana Immigration Service at Techiman

Ahenfie-Techiman Bono, East Region, Ghana

  Emmanuel Korsah the #MMN local coordinator for Ghana Bono East Region reached out to the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) yesterday to Train and present the Social Media and Migration […]

#MMN Introduction_WCR

Massembeh , Gambia

introducing MMN to youth leaders      2. disseminate information to different youths and on the effects of irregular migration


Barra , Gambia

The idea is to have an interactive dialogue on the importance of safe migration, get people involved in a discussion on smart migration and emphazise the importance of smart migration.

Community Outreach

Volta Region , Ghana

      On the 14th of July, 2021, James Oboade MMN Volta region coordinator was  privilege to be invited to represent the Migrant Media Network at a Community Empowerment […]

#MMN Introduction – community outreach_WCR

Gunjur Senior Secondary school , Gambia

1.Introduce MMN to participants. 2. Open a forum for discussion on the issues of irregular migration, the impact and challenges and safe migration at length to Wwomen groups