
Tahir Ahmadiyaa senior secondary school- Lower River Region , Gambia

We will introduce the students to the #MMN to the community and create enlightenment on decision making on migration.

School Outreach – #smartmigration_URR

Sanunding Basic Cycle , Gambia

We want to introduce the #MMN project to the students and engage them on the dangers of irregular migration and provide awareness on smart migration. Target Group: Student Age bracket […]


Barra - Noth Bnk Region , Gambia

OUTREACH I: Returnees sharing their ideas and experience on irregular migration. Focused On migration and dangers associated with irregular migration. Both the returnees and members of the community will be […]

Human trafficking

Tamale , Ghana

      #MMN Tamale division  held a workshop for women in the Northern region of Ghana. Wedam Rhoda the local coordinator, lead discussions on human trafficking, what it is, […]