Migration and Youth Empowerment & Opportunities in Ghana

Salo Anloga Volta Region , Ghana

The topic discussed was mainly about Contexts from the #MMN field-guide (irregular migration and opportunities in Ghana). Also, skill acquisition and entrepreneurship mainly on agro-business, transformation of farm products and marketing was highlighted […]

Migration context and irregular “backdoor” migration

Krobo, Bono East, Region , Ghana

  A community roundtable discussion (Stammtisch)organised In the Krobo community, during the meeting a returnee shared his experience on the dangers of irregular migration a sample case of his backdoor […]

Stammtisch On Migration Content

sikaduase, Bono East Region , Ghana

        Stammtisch at sikaduase community in the Bono East Region on 21st March 2021. Engaging the participants on the topic migration context and irregular back door migration […]

Irregular Migration

Business Senior High School Tamale , Ghana

Stammtisch held by Rhoda the Northern Regional Coordinator with the Students of Tamale Business Senior High School.