Tag Archive for: #open_culture_agency

MMN_Voices Gambia – Diaspora Talks Series 1 : Boat in distress, deaths at sea

When young Gambian Ebrima (not his real name) left his hometown in The Gambia in October 2013 to embark on the irregular migration to Europe, his hope was to arrive in Germany, quickly get his papers to work, go to school, earn enough money and give quality life to his family back home. That was the European dream he was told by his friends already in Europe.

In this first part of the MMN Gambia Diaspora monthly podcast series, Ebrima, now based in Berlin, narrates his dangerous road journey through the desert and conflict zones, how he was kidnapped and forced into labour in Libya, moments of distress and deaths at sea (in the Mediterranean), years of joblessness in Europe and running away from the police in Germany, and why he now campaigns against irregular migration to Europe.

This podcast is a r0g_agency production by Sheriff Bojang Jr. The #MMN project is funded by the German Federal Foreign Ministry, the Auswärtiges Amt.Alternatives2irregularmgrationopen_culture_agencymmn_ussdhomegrownopportunitiesmigrantmedianetworkmigrationchoicesSmartmigration