About the Smart Migration Guide
The #MMN Smart Migration Guide offers information, discussion topics, and resources to be used by trainers and potential migrants to learn about the impact and consequences of migration. The guide is designed to support individuals in clarifying their goals and in making informed, safer migration decisions.
A large, two-sided poster. One side of the poster is designed as a quick reference guide and summarizes a few topics covered in the Smart Migration Guide.
On the other side of the poster, there is a game called Think carefully, move safely. The game is designed to foster fun and community, while also having players learn about migration-related topics.
As part of the game, there are Truth or Lie cards. These cards have a Truth or Lie? question on the front and list the correct answer on the back. They allow players to discuss rumors regarding migration.
An enclosed USB stick contains an electronic version of the Smart Migration Guide, the Poster, the Truth or Lie Cards, a document that contains the Links to Migration Resources mentioned in the Smart Migration Guide, as well as additional materials that will help you facilitate workshops in situations when access to the internet is not available.
Migration Guide Chapters
The #MMN Smart Migration Guide is divided into 10 chapters, each focusing on a specific topic. You can work through the guide from start to finish or you can jump directly to the chapter that is most relevant to your training.
All chapters include discussion questions that will help you and the participants reflect on what has been learned and put the ideas into action.
At the end of the chapters, there are links to additional materials or useful websites. The chapters include;
- Plan before you pack
- Migration decisions
- Spotting false information
- Human trafficking & irregular migration
- Women in migration
- Visa application process
- Studies & scholarships
- Positive alternatives to migration
- Livelihood ideas
- Useful apps, websites & podcasts
Content ©2021_2, r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation gGmbH, Berlin
Project Curation + Management: Susanne Bellinghausen
Text + Editing: Sara Budarz
Design + Layout: Heike Bluthardt
Diaspora Coordinator: Benedictus Agbelom
MG Concept: Susanne Bellinghausen, Stephen Kovats, Thomas Gitonga Kalunge
MG Input: Teams in Ghana and The Gambia & diaspora workshop participants (2019-2021)
Special thanks to Peter Nahr for his support and input.
#MigrantMediaNetwork Migration Information & Training Guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Edition 2021_2
print ISBN: 978-3-949253-08-9
ebook ISBN: 978-3-949253-09-6zz
Archive Field guide publications
in October 2019, r0g_agency produced a #MMN Social Media & Migration Field Guide Ghana Edition Prototype.
Then 2020, a comprehensive #MMN Social Media & Migration Field Guide kit.
About #MMN
Migrant Media Network is a project by r0g_agency funded by the German Foreign Office. It seeks to foster an informed decision-making process regarding migration to Europe by creating awareness on migration issues & social media sensitization.
Smart Migration Guide
Quick Links
Contact #MMN
Knobelsdorffstr. 22 14059 Berlin Germany #MMN is a project funded by the Germany Federal Foreign Office (AA)