Free RefAid The RefAid mobile app shows migrants, refugees and those who help them where services are near them. A web based content management and communication system allows trusted aid organizations to manage and update their services and to get their critical aid to where it is most urgently needed. is party political, ideological and denominationally independent and represents more than 60 migrant organizations and campaigns for their interests in politics, the public, the media and business nationwide.
Our guiding principle and main goal is empowerment, which includes the equal political, social, professional and cultural participation of migrant women in social life in Germany.
Lawyers Without Borders Lawyers Without Borders works to build capacity and integrity in the world’s justice sectors. We engage with lawyers and judges dedicated to pro bono service and integrate them into initiatives that directly or indirectly serve the underserved, protect the disadvantaged, and promote human rights.
LesMigras Our organisation is by and for Trans* and Cis Women, Trans* and Cis Men, all Genderqueer, Non-Binary, Trans* and Inter* people who are Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Pansexual, Asexual, Queer People. People from all backgrounds are welcome, including also Black, Indigenous, Persons of Color, migrant, refugee or white.
FEMNET fights for the rights of girls and women. They should have the same rights and opportunities in their lives as boys and men and shall be completely equal in all aspects of life. But reality gives a different picture.
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”
Berlin Network for Vulnerable Refugees We are the “Berlin Network for Vulnerable Refugees ” (BNS). Together, the BNS organisations are committed to people who, according to section 21 of the EU Reception Directive 2013/33/EU, are considered persons with special reception needs.
Our goal is to explain to refugees the requirements and procedures for family reunification and to give them the opportunity to actively participate in their family reunification.
In order to achieve this goal, we offer individual counselling as well as measures for the qualification and networking of employees from counselling centres, residential homes and voluntary and full-time supporters of refugees. provides independent information for refugees and migrants coming to Europe on rights, policies and border situations of almost every country of the EU, in English, French, Arab and Farsi.
About #MMN
Migrant Media Network is a project by r0g_agency funded by the German Foreign Office. It seeks to foster an informed decision-making process regarding migration to Europe by creating awareness on migration issues & social media sensitization.
Smart Migration Guide
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Contact #MMN
Knobelsdorffstr. 22 14059 Berlin Germany #MMN is a project funded by the Germany Federal Foreign Office (AA)