#MMN on Kerewan community radio_NBR

Kerewan community , Gambia

In order to reach out to more people and widen the discussion on MMN activities through radio talk show. Expected is a large coverage of community member within the surrounding area of Kerewan community hopeing to get a better understanding of #MMN and it's aims.

Diaspora _Community Outreach_LRR

Willingaraba Villag , Gambia

This Outreach conducted by Diaspora Mentor Seedy and Local Coordinator Serrey will introduce women, youth leaders and commiunity to the aims of the #MMN initiative. The idea is to sensitize the youths on the difficulties and challenges of irregular migration, human trafficking and smuggling as well as the possibilities of safe migration and how to […]

Diaspora School Stammtisch _LLR

Soma Upper and Senior School , Gambia

The Diaspora Mentor Seedy Saidykhan, together with the #MMN Local Coordinator of the Lower River Region Serrey Sanneh, will host a Stammtisch at the Soma Upper and Senior School introducing #MMN to participants and to open a forum for discussion on the issues of irregular migration, the impacts, challenges and safe migration at length. He […]

#MMN Outreach PlanB4upack in Aworowa Town

Akumfi Ameyaw Senior High School , Ghana

    Korsah Emmanuel and  Steve visited  Akumfi Ameyaw Senior High School which is located in the Aworowa Town but in the communities of Techiman at 8:30am Wednesday morning. They had discussions with the students by given them reliable information on Social Media +  Migration context and irregular migration especially the risks and dangers associated […]