Women Leaders_Diaspora Stammtisch_NBR

Suwareh Kunda , Gambia

Karamo Conteh's second Stammtisch will be with 20 Women Leaders from Suwareh Kunda in North Bank Region. The goal is to inform and advocate for safer migration options and emphasis the importance of smart migration. Talking as a student discussing how different life is for students in regards to others that use irregular migration. Also […]

Migration Decisions Stammtisch in Moree

Moree Cape Coast, Ghana

  A round table discussion was organized by Sabina Abuga (Local coordinator) for the Council Youth of Moree in the Central Region. The discussion commenced at exactly 1:38 pm with half of the participants Seated. Mr. Robert Awkoh, the leader of the group welcomed them for availing them for the meeting and as well introduced […]

#MMN_challenges on irregular migration_LRR

Nyoro Jataba , Gambia

1 Introducing MMN 2. Sensitize the youths on difficulties and challenges on irregular migration, human trafficking smuggling and equally safe migration plans. 3. Increase awareness on the available skills and resources in the country which one can effectively make best use of without embarking on these deadlier journey. The target groups are youth leaders, returnees […]


Fatoto School In Kantora , Gambia

1. Create awareness of the USSD code *1228# 2. Expose the mitigating propagandas on social media and provide a safe decisions process regarding migration. 3. Mapping the journey for potential migrants. Target group are the stidents at Fatoto Senior Secondary School.

#irregular migration & positive alternatives_LRR

Sankuya , Gambia

1. Introduce #MMN and its activities to youth leaders. 2. Disseminate information to different youths and on the effects of irregular migration and human trafficking, and equally exposing them to the available opportunities in the country. The target group are youth and women