Latest Past Events


open culture office

#MMN Meetup: How can the Ghanaian fashion industry become a resource for sustainable alternatives to migration? Talk and exhibits by Nuel Bans (founder & editor-in-chief of Debonair Afrik, a Ghanaian-based […]

Seedy_Saidykhan – #MMN Diaspora Mentor #MigrationTalkShow


 #MigrationTalkShow on the 31st of Deecmber live on facebook at 18:00 o’clock with Susanne Bellinghausen #MMN_Migrant Media Network project manager - MMN #YahyaYaffa Human right activist, Radio producer and Diaspora […]

Community Outreach on irregular migration_LRR

Notre Dam school

1. Introduce #MMN and its activities to participants. 2. Open a forum for discussion on the issues of irregular migration, the impacts, challenges and safe migration at length. The target […]