Stammtisch with Ghana National Tailors and Dressmakers Association(GNTDA) Zone 1 Cape Coast

Amamoma community center of the Cape Coast Metropolitan Assembly. , Ghana

On 11th October 2021, Sabina Abuga( Local Coordinator) organised Stammtisch for the Ghana National Tailors and Dressmakers Association(GNTDA) Cape Coast Zone 1. The event was held at the Cape Coast Metropolitan Assembly. Aimed at  impact of regular migration on our community; the role of potential migrants.

#MMN on Kerewan community radio_NBR

Kerewan community , Gambia

In order to reach out to more people and widen the discussion on MMN activities through radio talk show. Expected is a large coverage of community member within the surrounding area of Kerewan community hopeing to get a better understanding of #MMN and it's aims.

88.8FM Diaspora Mentor_Radio Program_LRR

Soma community radio on 88.8FM , Gambia

Seedy Saidykhan, a Gambian living in German who was trained during the #MMN Diaspora ToT in August 2021 will talk on Soma community radio 88.8FM, together with the #MMN Lower River Region Local Coordinator Serrey Sanned, to the people of teh Lower River Region about his experinces as migrant, migration issues and challanges of irregular […]

“Plan Before You Pack”

Alata Jaga, Central Region Cape Coast, Ghana

    The activities of the Migrant Media Network are to ensure that the potential Migrants/refugees, and Migrants in Transit are made aware of the safer options to migrate to Europe. Sabina Abuga (local coordinator) organized the Stammtisch for the Youth of Alata Jaga in the Central Region. Mr. Kofi spoke to their leader, who gave […]

“Irregular Migration” Outreach By James #MMN Volta Region Coordinator

Adidome , Ghana

On the 2nd December 2021, An Outreach was organized at Adidome Farm Institute to inform and educate the people about migration issues and discourage Irregular Migration and promote livelihood as a positive alternative to the constraints about jobs, skills, and against poverty among the youth. The Farm Institute trained the youth in Agribusiness and as […]