Women In migration Stammtisch

Tamale , Ghana

    On the 5th of October, 2021, our second Stammtisch was held with young women of 4 training Centers in Tamale. The purpose of these young women is to address some of the social issues that motivate them to migrate. This Stammtisch was facilitated by Madam Humaimatu (Director at the National Vocational Institute) and Hajia Halimatu […]

Farabasutu , Gambia

This engagement was conducted at the community of Farabasutu in Kombo East District. The community members were introduced to Think before you pack. This was design to sensitize the community on the most accurate information on migration and how it reflect the their socio-economic development. During the discussion most of the participants admit the realities […]

CMMA2021 – Conference on Migration & Media Awarness

Kampnagel Internationale Kulturfabrik - Hamburg , Germany

The #MMN team is invited to participate in the CMMA2021 conference in following panel discussions/ workshops I. Thursday, 28 October  17:00 - 18:10 CONVERSATION Tracking EU Migration Funding in Africa Where does it go, with what impact and who decides? GUEST SPEAKER: Giacomo Zandonini Journalist at The Correspondent Session Moderated by: Nyima Jadama r0g_agency for […]

Diaspora_Youth Leaders Stammtisch_LRR

Misera in Kabada , Gambia

Diaspora Mentor Seedy Saidykhna will introduce the #MMN initiative, together with the #MMN Lower River Region Local Coordinator Serrey Sanned, to youth leaders in order to sensitize the youths on difficulties and challenges on irregular migration, human trafficking smuggling and equally safe migration plans. He wants to increase awareness on the available skills and resources […]

Outreach By Sabina

Cape Coast , Ghana

  Sabina Abuga (local coordinator) on Tuesday 7th December 2021, made a courtesy call to Prof. Augustine Tanle, a Professor of Migration and Refugees Studies in the Department of Population and Health, University of Cape Coast to introduce the MMN activities and Field Guide Tool Kit to him. Prof. Tanle is one of the few professors […]