Commuity Entry NSUTA

Nsuta community Techiman Bono-East Region.

          Community entry is key to our activities, Emmanuel Korsah visited the Chief of Nsuta at his palace with the  Queen's mother and some community leaders to discuss with him the purpose of me meeting his community people. The Chief Nana Owusu Ameyaw II and queen mother Nana Afofie with the community […]

Stammtisch On “SMART Migration”

Kedzikorpe Keta, Ghana

  On 16th December, 2021 this stammtisch was organized and implemented in collaboration BAC Keta Office at Kedzikorpe – Keta to train women hairdressers on migration. The meeting went well with participants being able to identify the constraints and other issues associated with migration especially irregular migration. We discussed the alternatives to irregular migration and […]

#MMN_challenges on irregular migration_LRR

Nyoro Jataba , Gambia

1 Introducing MMN 2. Sensitize the youths on difficulties and challenges on irregular migration, human trafficking smuggling and equally safe migration plans. 3. Increase awareness on the available skills and resources in the country which one can effectively make best use of without embarking on these deadlier journey. The target groups are youth leaders, returnees […]


Fatoto School In Kantora , Gambia

1. Create awareness of the USSD code *1228# 2. Expose the mitigating propagandas on social media and provide a safe decisions process regarding migration. 3. Mapping the journey for potential migrants. Target group are the stidents at Fatoto Senior Secondary School.


Vellingara Demba Jawo

1. Introduced the MMN Field Guild Kit 2. Create awareness on irregular migration and its harmfulness to the youths and local opportunities available in The Gambia. The target are youth groups and women.