planb4upack & migration decision_LRR

Around the market - Lower River Region , Gambia

Introducing MMN to the community. We will be talk to people on the dangers and effects of irregular migration and enlighten the community on safe migration.


Tahir Ahmadiyaa senior secondary school- Lower River Region , Gambia

We will introduce the students to the #MMN to the community and create enlightenment on decision making on migration.

School Outreach – #smartmigration_URR

Sanunding Basic Cycle , Gambia

We want to introduce the #MMN project to the students and engage them on the dangers of irregular migration and provide awareness on smart migration. Target Group: Student Age bracket (17 to 20)


Barra - Noth Bnk Region , Gambia

OUTREACH I: Returnees sharing their ideas and experience on irregular migration. Focused On migration and dangers associated with irregular migration. Both the returnees and members of the community will be well informed on irregular migration especially on risk and dangers involved   Target Group: Youths- Returnees /deportees and members of the Community