St George’s Upper Basic School , Gambia

Themes of this Outreach are: 1. To introduce the MMN field guild and its objectives 2. To expose the mitigating propagandas on social media and provide a safe decisions process regarding migration. 3. Mapping the journey for potential migrants The target group are studnets at the age bracket 17 to 20 years. The venue will […]

Women Stammtisch “Human Traffickers and opportunities at home and Europe”

Bentil Community Cape Coast, Ghana

      Sabina Abuga  Central Regional coordinator Local Coordinator and James Ekow Mensah (Irregular returnee) On Monday, 15th November 2021 visited the Benti community of the Central Region to organize a Stammtisch.  The community influencers introduced the team to the Women Groups and welcomed them to the meeting. An opportunity was given to the participants […]

Diaspora School Stammtisch _LLR

Soma Upper and Senior School , Gambia

The Diaspora Mentor Seedy Saidykhan, together with the #MMN Local Coordinator of the Lower River Region Serrey Sanneh, will host a Stammtisch at the Soma Upper and Senior School introducing #MMN to participants and to open a forum for discussion on the issues of irregular migration, the impacts, challenges and safe migration at length. He […]

88.8FM Diaspora Mentor_Radio Program_LRR

Soma community radio on 88.8FM , Gambia

Seedy Saidykhan, a Gambian living in German who was trained during the #MMN Diaspora ToT in August 2021 will talk on Soma community radio 88.8FM, together with the #MMN Lower River Region Local Coordinator Serrey Sanned, to the people of teh Lower River Region about his experinces as migrant, migration issues and challanges of irregular […]

Fishing Community & Migration_WCR

Tanji , Gambia

Migrant Media Network (#MMN) west coast region conducted community outreach activity in the fishing Community of Tanji West Coast Region of the Gambia on the 15th November 2021.The participants include security personnel, young people, fishermen and women. The discussions were center on safe migration alternatives and the available opportunities in the region. MMN-local local coordinator-WCR […]