open:fora – Migrant Media Network Café

open culture office , Germany

Diasporas are viewed as important agents of economic and social development in countries of origin, but governments often lack knowledge or capacity for engaging them effectively at scale.  By exploring what roles the governments of the host countries vs the countries of origin play, or should play, we look to establish methodologies that help counter […]

Workshop on Social Media Sensitization and Migration in Berlin

r0g_agency for Open Culture and Critical Transformation Knobelsdorffstraße 22, Berlin, Germany

Aim: Training Ghanaian diaspora in Germany to become trainers on social media sensitization in the areas of regular and irregular migration. Phase 1 – Participants will learn about engaging responsibly with social media and be equipped with basic training skills on how to organize workshops on social media sensitization in Ghana. Phase 2 – Four of the trained […]

Migrant Media Network 2019 Workshop

open culture office , Germany

Training Ghanian Diaspora to become trainers in Ghana on Migration, Social Media sensitization on regular and irregular migration.

Public Presentation: engaging diaspora communities in social media awareness & open tech innovation to foster informed migration choices

Werkstatt – Haus der Statistik Berlin Mitte Karl-Marx-Allee 1, Berlin

introduction by: Fortune Agbele – Political Science Researcher, University of Bayreuth Please join our team of Berlin and regional based Ghanaian trainers reporting from their experiences in running community based social media skills & migration workshops in their home communities in Ghana. Linking online resources with mobile offline and regional telecommunications systems, including the Raspberry Pi powered HyracBox offline […]