Smart migration & Human Trafficking_URR

Jawo Kunda @wulli East district.

The idea is to create awareness on how to travel smartly and the danger of irregular migration and to engage parents and returnees on the misinformation provided by human traffickers. The target group are parents and back way returnees.

Kaiaf Village Bantaba _LRR

Kaiaf Village bantaba , Gambia

Introduction of the #MMN - project. Try to sensitize the youths on difficulties and challenges on irregular migration, human trafficking smuggling and equally safe migration plans. Increase awareness on the available skills and resources in the country which one can effectively make best use of without embarking on these deadlier journeys.

Human Trafficking & Alternatives_URR

Fulladou Manneh Kunda , Gambia

In MANNEH KUNDA a community that was seriously affected with irregular migration was reached out to expose the edited photos and videos that human traffickers use to as a strategy to convince young people to embark on the journey. The discussion also covered informed decisions on smart migration and human trafficking. Furthermore, we provided awareness […]

Human Trafficking_URR

Manneh kunda @fulladu Distrist , Gambia

Expose the edited photos and videos that human traffickers do fake people and the strategies they used. Help toprovide an informed decision on #Smartmigration and human trafficking traps and awareness of the local alternatives and link them to the stakeholders involved. Main target group are school dropouts and youth groups.

#MMN – dialogue on migration dynamics_WCR

Brikama , Gambia

The idea is to have intergenerational dialogue on migration dynamics and the risk and dangers related to irregular migration in the Gambia. The target group is teh community of Brikama.