Stammtisch in Keta on “Human trafficking and Human smugglers”

Tsiame Community Tsiame Community, Ghana

    Stammtisch was organized and held at Tsiame Community Centre in the Keta Municipality of the Volta Region, with fifty-seven (57) participants – 30 males and 27 females. The topic discussed was Migration Decisions and Human Trafficking. We also talked about the topic: Resources and Information, the Plan before you pack concept. The training […]

Stammtisch On “SMART Migration”

Kedzikorpe Keta, Ghana

  On 16th December, 2021 this stammtisch was organized and implemented in collaboration BAC Keta Office at Kedzikorpe – Keta to train women hairdressers on migration. The meeting went well with participants being able to identify the constraints and other issues associated with migration especially irregular migration. We discussed the alternatives to irregular migration and […]

Community Outreach on irregular migration_LRR

Notre Dam school , Gambia

1. Introduce #MMN and its activities to participants. 2. Open a forum for discussion on the issues of irregular migration, the impacts, challenges and safe migration at length. The target group are students.

Community outreach on migration resources & information_NBR

Saaba Village , Gambia

Engagement with community members on clear message about migration information and resources. By the end of the session participants should be well inform on issues surrounding migration resources and information and have the clear view of them and also expose them to available opportunities.

#MMN_challenges on irregular migration_LRR

Nyoro Jataba , Gambia

1 Introducing MMN 2. Sensitize the youths on difficulties and challenges on irregular migration, human trafficking smuggling and equally safe migration plans. 3. Increase awareness on the available skills and resources in the country which one can effectively make best use of without embarking on these deadlier journey. The target groups are youth leaders, returnees […]