#MMN Outreach PlanB4upack in Aworowa Town

Akumfi Ameyaw Senior High School , Ghana

    Korsah Emmanuel and  Steve visited  Akumfi Ameyaw Senior High School which is located in the Aworowa Town but in the communities of Techiman at 8:30am Wednesday morning. They had discussions with the students by given them reliable information on Social Media +  Migration context and irregular migration especially the risks and dangers associated […]

Youth Leaders_Diaspora Outreach_NBR

Kerewan - North Bank Region , Gambia

20 Youth leaders from North Bank Region will be sensitized and Informed about the reality in Europe and trained on MMN Field Guide Handout. Focus will be on safer migration options through the MMN Field Guide Kit as well as misinformation and fake life on social media.

“Plan Before You Pack”

Alata Jaga, Central Region Cape Coast, Ghana

    The activities of the Migrant Media Network are to ensure that the potential Migrants/refugees, and Migrants in Transit are made aware of the safer options to migrate to Europe. Sabina Abuga (local coordinator) organized the Stammtisch for the Youth of Alata Jaga in the Central Region. Mr. Kofi spoke to their leader, who gave […]

Diaspora_Youth Leaders Stammtisch_LRR

Misera in Kabada , Gambia

Diaspora Mentor Seedy Saidykhna will introduce the #MMN initiative, together with the #MMN Lower River Region Local Coordinator Serrey Sanned, to youth leaders in order to sensitize the youths on difficulties and challenges on irregular migration, human trafficking smuggling and equally safe migration plans. He wants to increase awareness on the available skills and resources […]

Women Leaders_Diaspora Stammtisch_NBR

Suwareh Kunda , Gambia

Karamo Conteh's second Stammtisch will be with 20 Women Leaders from Suwareh Kunda in North Bank Region. The goal is to inform and advocate for safer migration options and emphasis the importance of smart migration. Talking as a student discussing how different life is for students in regards to others that use irregular migration. Also […]