#MMN Introduction – community outreach_WCR

Gunjur Senior Secondary school , Gambia

1.Introduce MMN to participants. 2. Open a forum for discussion on the issues of irregular migration, the impact and challenges and safe migration at length to Wwomen groups

#MMN market outreach_URR

Sareh Bojo Village market , Gambia

The idea is to introducing the #MMN Field Guide KIT and sensitization on the decision making process, regarding migration especially for women (mothers and young girls). #ThinkB4uClick


Massembeh , Gambia

Discuss on the negative impact of human smuggling Group discussion Sharing stories

Stammtisch – youth groups and returnees_URR

Sareh Jatta , Gambia

1. engaging the returnees on their experience and knowledge during their irregular journey. 2.To provide reliable information about the mitigating propaganda on the internet and community level. 3. To help the youths to clarify their aims and make a wise migration decision on ThickB4Uclick.

Community Outreach

Traa Zongo Communiy , Ghana

        Exploring the #MMN Game - Think carefully, move safely, a role-playing game that fosters experiential learning with participants of two communities which is the Traa community and Traa zongo community.