#MMN Community Outreach

Salo Anloga Volta Region , Ghana

      On the 24th day of September, 2021, the Migrant Media Network #MMN Volta  organised an outreach in collaboration with an NGO “Christ Love Children” from Oyibi – Accra. The NGO supports street children, schools, churches and communities. The NGO shared some bible and life lessons with the community and also shared educational […]

#MMN Radio Outreach

Techiman, Ghana , Ghana

      On the 27th of September Emmanuel the #MMN Bono- East Local Coordinator  and Mr. Philip Yaw Okyere a community representative and a Business owner with a Migrant returnee from Korea Mr. Adu Gyamfi visited radio link 89.1  fm to talk to their listeners on  "The creation of awareness on migration and the […]

#MMN_community outreach_WCR

Community of Kuloro , Gambia

The idea is to get peoples' awareness raised on the dangers and risk of irregular migration and the alternatives to for safe, orderly, and regular migration and also provide them with the available local opportunities in the region. The target audiance are local authorities, youths, parents and the general public.

#MMN Radio Stammtisch in Bono-East

Bono- East Region , Ghana

  On the 30th September 2021, I the MMN coordinator for Bono-East region of Ghana with the host mr. Philip yaw okyere who use to be my community rep and two Agrico hub representative in the name of Ohene yaw Larbi and madam Winnifred who are entrepreneur trainers visited the Agyenkwa 105.9  fm of techiman […]

“Rural Urban Migration” A case of the Yendi Women

Yendi Yendi, Ghana

  40 participants who are parents of young girls from 4 training Centers were organized for the first Stammtisch. The Stammtisch was organized at the Presby Lay training center, located on the Yendi road about 5km from the barrier. The meeting was made possible with a proper community entry which was done with the help of […]