#MMN Community Outreach – students_LRR

Pakalinding , Gambia

1 introduce MMN to the students. 2. sensitize students on the difficulties and challenges of irregular migration. 3 increase awareness of the available skills and resources in the country which one can effectively make best use of without embarking on these deadly journey.

#MMN introduction_NBR

Community of Suwarehkunda , Gambia

These discussions centre on irregular migration and current youth opportunities in The Gambia.

Stammtisch Migration Decision


      The Stammtisch was on the Topic "Migration Decision" it was held on Tuesday 20th July 2021 at KOSSI's Fashion centre  in the Anloga  district in the volta Region. The Stammtisch was organised to encourage the youths (young women and men) to take the Skills acquisition seriously and to be insightful of what they […]

Workshop and Books Donation

Salo Volta region , Ghana

    On Saturday 24th July, 2021, a request  made from the Hong Kong citizens, (In House Residents) working with at  Sunon Asogli  Energy Power Plant Ghana Limited  at Kpone – Tema. The team donated books, 1 laptop and 1 iPad to the Salo JHS in the Anlo District. The initiative was a requested by […]