#MMN Outreach to Ghana Immigration Service at Techiman

Ahenfie-Techiman Bono, East Region, Ghana

  Emmanuel Korsah the #MMN local coordinator for Ghana Bono East Region reached out to the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) yesterday to Train and present the Social Media and Migration Field Guide Kit to the GIS in Techiman. Emmanuel also proposed a partnering workshop with GIS to explore  the #MMN  Think Carefully, Move safely Migration […]

#MMN Introduction_WCR

Massembeh , Gambia

introducing MMN to youth leaders      2. disseminate information to different youths and on the effects of irregular migration


Barra , Gambia

The idea is to have an interactive dialogue on the importance of safe migration, get people involved in a discussion on smart migration and emphazise the importance of smart migration.

Community Outreach

Volta Region , Ghana

      On the 14th of July, 2021, James Oboade MMN Volta region coordinator was  privilege to be invited to represent the Migrant Media Network at a Community Empowerment and Leadership Conference organized by “SURE WORD GLOBAL OUTREACH”  which empowers Leadership for chiefs (Kings and Queens) in Ghana at the E. P. Church, Tregui, […]

#MMN Introduction – community outreach_WCR

Gunjur Senior Secondary school , Gambia

1.Introduce MMN to participants. 2. Open a forum for discussion on the issues of irregular migration, the impact and challenges and safe migration at length to Wwomen groups