Women & Migration – with Moro Yapha

Kolibantang Village in Wuli , Gambia

This activity targets 18 women - 2 participants from 9 villages from the Wuli West/ Wuli East and Sandu Region. Moro Yapha our Diaspora Mentor from Berlin with talk about the following topics: 1. Women on Migration 2. Smart Migration guide 3. Human trafficking and exploitation of women on the journey    

#MMN on Kerewan community radio_NBR

Kerewan community , Gambia

In order to reach out to more people and widen the discussion on MMN activities through radio talk show. Expected is a large coverage of community member within the surrounding area of Kerewan community hopeing to get a better understanding of #MMN and it's aims.

#MMN Bantaba with elders in the Basse region – with Moro

Fulladou district , Gambia

This workshop was held with Elders at Baniko Ismaila, in Fuladu East District Basse. It was attended by 16 elders, including Imams, Alkalos, youth leaders and heads of compounds from 6 different surrounding villages. The discussion was focused on decision making in regards to migration, realities and expectations of migration to Europe also human trafficking […]

#MMN_Community Outreach_WCR

Gunjur , Gambia

This #MMN Outreach in the community of Gunjur in the West Coast Region of The Gambia will introduce the #MMN project and its main aims to inform potential migrants on safe migration, the dangers of irregular migration and positive alternatives at home.

Diaspora _Community Outreach_LRR

Willingaraba Villag , Gambia

This Outreach conducted by Diaspora Mentor Seedy and Local Coordinator Serrey will introduce women, youth leaders and commiunity to the aims of the #MMN initiative. The idea is to sensitize the youths on the difficulties and challenges of irregular migration, human trafficking and smuggling as well as the possibilities of safe migration and how to […]