Diaspora Talk on Kerewan Community Radio_NBR

Kerewan Community Radio , Gambia

Karamo Conteh our #MMN Diaspora Mentor and the Local Cooridnator Muhammed Suwareh will use the exsiting Local Coordinators radio talk show at Kerewan Community Radio as platform to discuss the overall #MMN Field Guide Kit and the trip or mission in The Gambia. Karamo will also speak about is personal experience.  


Basse Radio fm , Gambia

In order to reach to the most vulnerable people in the most remote region, a radio talk show was organized to give informatoion on migration to people who do not have access to migration information. The talk show was conducted by Isatou K. Jallow MMN regional Coordinator, Bubacarr Sidibeh Regional Youth Chairperson and Matar Samba […]

Safe Migration & Alternatives_WCR

Sukuta , Gambia

The local Coordinator MMN-WCR Lamin Sanneh took the participants on the overview of the project and the reason for the Stammtisch. The discussion was centered on safe migration, dangers and risk related to irregular migration as well as the participants perspectives on irregular migration.The reasons which were later categorized into pull and push factors of […]

Stammtisch on irregular migration_NBR

Saaba Village , Gambia

Focus group discussion with youth returnees and entrepreneurs to hear from each other so as to take an informed decision on how to make best used of business opportunitie. By the end of the session participants should be able to understand what it takes to be a successful entrepreneurs and also to take an informed […]

Community Outreach on irregular migration_LRR

Notre Dam school , Gambia

1. Introduce #MMN and its activities to participants. 2. Open a forum for discussion on the issues of irregular migration, the impacts, challenges and safe migration at length. The target group are students.