1. Introducing #MMN to the youth groups which are the most vulnerable ones 2. dangers and effects of migration and ensure that irregular migration is drastically reduced if not eradicated. 3. Introducing the idea of proper decision making on migration
Bubacarr Sidibeh the chairmen of #URR youth committee, who also participated during the TOT training, on the 13th of August, 2021 conducted a community outreach at mansajang Kunda in fulladu district, from 11am to 12pm he introduced the #MMN project and its field guide, and highlighted the importance of informed decision on #safe migration #MMN […]
1. To engage the returnees on their journey to the back routes, “the sufferings and dangers”. 2.To provide information on setting “SMART '' Goals on safe migrations. 3. To Create awareness on the local opportunities and link them to the stakeholders involved. Main target group: Returnees and youths.
Peoples' awareness raised on the dangers and risk of irregular migration and the alternatives to for safe, orderly, and regular migration communicated.
A Stamtisch activity with youth returnees and community members.Discussion on irregular migration and its impact as well the available opportunities for youths. Target grou: Youths returnees & community members in order to ensure understanding of irregular migration, its impacts and the opportunities for youths.
The idesa is to disseminate information on regular and irregular migrations and provide clarity on their goals and make a wise decision on safe migration.The target groups are youths -young boys and girls. This stammtisch was hosted at Giroba Kunda, Fulladu district with 15 youths, to disseminate information on regular and irregular migration and provide […]
Discussion on smart migration and plan before you leav. By the end of the discussion participants should be aware of smart migration and how to plan before you embark on the journey.
Introducing the #MMN project to the people. 2.To talk to people on the dangers and effects of irregular migration 3. Enlighten people on safe migration
Community outreac: to discuss human trafficking, and expose participants to the #MMN projec. By the end of the activity participants should have an understanding of human trafficking and its impacts.
A radio shwo to reach out to a wider audience on the interventions of the #MMN and its objective. By the end of the radio talk show the audience should be aware of the #MMN project and it should also boost their understanding about the project and its interventions. Wider coverage of the communities across […]