Evening of r0g_agency at v2_lab in Rotterdam

The Netherlands-based organization v2, an interdisciplinary center for art and technology, invited the r0g_agency to come and present their work during an event called A Night of r0g. And so on Thursday, May 5th 2022 members of the Berlin-based team were in Rotterdam to talk about the work we do together with our partners worldwide and present our vision of how to create a more just world. 

The event was held in the v2 space, located in the art district of town and was open to the public. It was an exciting moment for r0g to get to address a new audience and tell them about our work and why it deeply matters.  

V2_The evening of r0g_agency poster

The evening’s performance was divided into three stations, each focusing on a different area of r0g’s work.  

The first station’s focus was Peacebuildung. Jaiksana from @platformafrica was there to talk about the work with do together with the #defyhatenow project in Uganda and South Sudan. He discussed why and how misinformation spreads in the refugee camps – and how the #defyhatenow project is working to counter this with fact-checking initiatives. He also talked about using creativity, such as song, to promote peace and used his original song Run as an example of how music can help spread a message of searching for peace and belonging in a way that others can easily relate to. You can listen to his song here

Jaiksana on Stage

The second station looked at Youth Innovation. Wolfgang, who in the past partnered with the r0g_agency in Pakistan on a project that empowered girls to engage with tech, talked about his work, and then ended the night with a performance piece. 

The third station focused on Social Activism. Susi, our co-founder, introduced the #MigrantMediaNetwork project and its mission to spread accurate information and dispel the many rumors that are used by human traffickers and smugglers to entrap people. She was joined on stage by Heike, our graphic designer, and Sara, our editor, who talked about how the #MMN game and materials are designed, both in terms of graphics and text, to have the greatest impact and work to empower people to make safer migration choices.   

The #MMN game was also projected in large-scale on the ground, in order to allow for an immersive experience of playing the migration-based game. 

Overall, the event at v2 was a great opportunity to spread the word about our projects and the work we do to empower others in the areas of peacebuilding, migration, open source, and open knowledge. 

#MMN_Voices Ghana Episode 6 – Diaspora Women on Migration

This 6th episode of the #MMN_Voices Ghana podcast provides information towards empowerment of women in diaspora by interviewing the political campaign strategist Lewamm Ghebremariam .

#MMN supports looking into entrepreneurship as a positive alternative to migration, particularly irregular migration.